Course: Site Engineering
I can provide survey control at all stages of a project, from the initial traverse, establishing the building grid, through to providing gridlines and datum's to all levels of construction. I am able to establish survey control networks to either the Ordnance Survey national grid, related to the architects setting out criteria or develop a best-fit grid reference to site conditions to transfer to the local grid. We provide the below services in site control and in setting out.
By the end of this course, you will have full knowledge of the Setting Out Engineer to do the below tasks.
Site Control:
Establishment of the Primary Survey Control for a project.
Best fit the architects grid system to an existing building.
Check and audit existing Primary Survey Control established by others.
Establish level datum's and FFL's on site.
Setting Out:
Piling, Groundworks / Drainage, Formwork, Line and level, Gridlines, Drainage Popups, Manholes, Service Covers, Footings, Brickwork Corners, SSL/FFL Levels, Kerbs/Edgings, Road Level, As-Built Surveys, CAD, and many other construction elements.